Fri, 20 November 2015
When Anish isn’t out breaking Fastest Known Time records, she is a sleepy penguin. |
Fri, 25 September 2015
Back in 2013 Heather "Anish" Anderson set a new Unsupported Fastest Known Time (UFKT) for thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. She is the dictionary definition of BadAss. In honor of this amazing feat of endurance, strength, and spirit, we have decided to re-release just the interview portion of episode 25. |
Wed, 2 September 2015
We talk with our good friend and 2015 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker, Frozen Mac N Cheese. The other part was recorded a few weeks after she finished her hike. Pox has poison ivy. Puss has pants problems. And boy oh boy, we ALL get a surprise when Frozen Mac is walking on the streets of NYC. Enjoy! |
Fri, 7 August 2015
This week we talk about the spooky-scary things that can happen in the woods. The Hale Bop Comet Cult makes an appearance.
Thu, 2 July 2015
Jessica Watkins is an NYC comedian who walked across the United States last year. Puss recounts her recent trip on the Appalachian Trail. Pox picks up a lot of friends on Facebook. "where are you sleeping tonight"? |
Fri, 12 June 2015
Welcome to our third annual Trail Days show! If you’ve heard our past Trail Days episodes, you know this is not our typical show. Paul Hogan throws a shrimp on the barbie Jermaine from Outback A Trail Angel named Courtesy stops by to say hello Another Episode where Pox’s Heart Grew Three Sizes! Australians Love Lamb Bears in the Smokies decimate some section hiker backpacks Bay Pride! “Too Loud” runs into a turkey. Puss tells us about her “5 Hour Energy” routine. Obviously I have barbecue and food on my mind in this episode….sorry. You’ll hear us talk with people off mic as they come up to say hello or buy a t-shirt. Please visit AppTrials, sign up for the Thru-Hiker register, and when you’ve completed the trail, send Zach Good Badger Davis your summit photo so we can share it with the world. Leave a 5-Star Review on iTunes & Stitcher. |
Mon, 25 May 2015
After 2.5 years we've finally put out our 50th episode. Make sure you visit the Thru-Hiker Registry and sign up. |
Wed, 6 May 2015
Hey folks! - - Prove to you that we are still alive. - - Fill you in on our sickness stories. - - Convince you to buy us a taxidermied squirrel. - - But most importantly…Tell You About The 2nd ANNUAL THRU-HIKER PROM! Please check out the main Prom Info page on Appalachian Trials. Stay tuned because next week we'll have a full length episode. |
Mon, 23 March 2015
We’re finally going to talk about “Wild”. We also take phone calls, read out some iTunes reviews, and Laurie Potteiger gets a shout out.
Direct download: Episode_49_Wild_Starring_Johnny_Cashs_Wife.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:27pm EDT |
Mon, 2 March 2015
Since Flow Easy stuck around Natty Greene’s after mooching free beer from the @NCBeerGuys episode, we asked him to sit down and record with us. Pox and Flow went on a roadtrip after Trail Days in 2001. Puss tells us about the privy habits of Fruit Bats. #CubePoop Pox reads a page or two from his 1998 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike journal. Pox realizes that reading from his journal was a bad idea. “Your Move…” Sounds: “Milwaukee” – The Both “Hippie Smell” – Ween “Truckers Hitch” – Fliji |
Fri, 30 January 2015
Coming to you LIVE from Nanty Greene's in downtown Raleigh, NC! |