THE POX and PUSS PODCAST : An Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker Experience

Back in 2022, Pox Holiday made a fateful promise on the first episode of In The Pines Podcast: He would watch "Wrong Turn," the 2021 horror reboot about a group of Appalachian Trail hikers facing off against a terrifying mountain clan, but only if we'd record it all. 

Well, we followed through on that terrible idea and it landed with a meaty thud.

Join us as we dive headfirst into the backwoods terror of "Wrong Turn."

We'll dissect the stupid plot, cringe at the gore, figure out who Mathrew Modean is, and debate whether this reboot lived up to the original or should even exist at all.

Expect plenty of laughs, WTF moments, actual screams, and our questionable life choices as we endure this cinematic ordeal together.

What the critics are saying...

5.6/10 - IMDb

65% - Rotten Tomatoes

46% - Metacritic

Watch Wrong Turn on...


Prime Video


YouTube TV

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#WrongTurn #HorrorMovie #Podcast #MovieReview #HorrorPodcast #TrueCrime #BackwoodsHorror #InThePinesPod #DennisMartin #AppalachianTrail #Appalachia

Direct download: Wrong_Turn_Final_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

We are only a few days away from celebrating the Pox & Puss Podcast's 10th anniversary. So, in honor of that day, we bring you b-b-b-b-bonus content from In The Pines, where Pox talks about his 1998 thru-hike and the cast of fugitives and bandits he met along the way.

During the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, GA, Eric Rudolph detonated a 100lbs pipe bomb in Centennial Park. One person was killed and 111 were injured. Three more bombs went off in the weeks and months following the Olympic bombing.

What took place after that was an all-out manhunt along the Appalachian Trail and in the Nantahala Gorge. The FBI was looking for Rudolph as far away as the Appalachian Trail in Virginia.

Pox Holiday was thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail in 1998, around the same time Eric Rudolph disappeared into the mountains for almost 7 years. Pox was even questioned by a member of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park because he looked like a fugitive.

In this episode, you will hear untold stories about the search for a domestic terrorist and his accomplices that never made it into a newspaper article or a television report.



Direct download: Rudolph_PAP_Release.mp3
Category:true crime -- posted at: 8:13am EST

On August 16th, 2016, a man covered with desert dirt, who looked as if he’d been hiking for days, walked into a rural California convenience store and bought $100 worth of junk food and water. Located near the Pacific Crest Trail, the convenience store owner was no stranger to dirty hikers. However, this man happened to match the description of a suspected murderer wanted by the police. In less than an hour, the man would be shot dead as he was walking back to the Pacific Crest Trail.

This is the crazy story of how Benjamin Peter Ashley terrorized the remote canyon communities of Central California and used the Pacific Crest Trail to elude authorities for weeks.

How a suspected killer eluded police on Pacific Crest Trail -
Direct download: 279026725-44100-2-2336e79586ff3.m4a
Category:true crime -- posted at: 8:14am EST

This week, Nikki and Pox dive into the 2013 disappearance of Appalachian Trail hiker, Geraldine "Inchworm" Largay. We also have our first guest: Puss In Boots from the Pox & Puss Podcast.


Direct download: Inchworm_with_Puss_In_Boots.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Lake Sidney Lanier is an artificial lake that was created in the 1950s by building Buford Dam on the Chattahoochee River in northern Georgia. The 38,000-acre lake lies on top of the ruins of towns and farmland of over 700 families. Today, the lake has over 11 million visitors every year, about the same number of annual visitors as the Louvre. Lake Lanier is also one of the deadliest lakes in the USA. 500 people have drowned and many of their bodies have never been recovered. What is killing so many people in this lake? Underwater debris? Crazy currents? Could it be the ghosts of the Cherokee Nation who were driven out during the Trail of Tears? Maybe it's a curse caused by the people of Oscarville, whose once-thriving town is now at the bottom of a 200' deep lake.


Water levels and elevation above sea level:

Sherpa Guides:

Alan Jackson – Chattahoochee: Things I Learned Last Night:,charted%20to%20become%20Lake%20Lanier

The Haunting of Lake Lanier:

Lake Lanier: A Georgia lake's deadly history has some people seeing ghosts - CNN

Oxford American | The Haunting of Lake Lanier

The truth behind Lake Lanier – The Lanier Times

The cursed Lake Lanier in Georgia —

Mysteries and Death at Georgia’s Cursed Lake | Mysterious Universe

OSCARVILLE: Uncovering The Black City Buried Under Lake Lanier | NewsOne     SUPER INTERESTNG LINK/SUNDOWN TOWNS AND COUNTIES MAP 

Direct download: Lake_Lanier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:25am EST

Welcome to Pox Holiday's newest podcast: In The Pines. We're giving you the premiere episode in the Pox & Puss feed, but you will be able to find future episodes in the "In The Pines" Podcast feed here:
"In The Pines" will be a monthly podcast focusing on the mysteries, crimes, and the unexplained that could only happen in the American Wilderness. Pox's co-host is Nikki from "The Appalachian Crime Trail" podcast.
Our first episode discusses the 1969 mysterious disappearance of Dennis Martin.
Follow us

Direct download: 01_-_Dennis_Martin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:21am EST

What can we say? It's been a hell of a year, right? Ugh.
We pick right up where we left off, two yahoos just dicking around on microphones, talking about the Appalachian Trail.
- There are people who will drift in and out of your thru-hike.
- Following the Siren Song of slack packing.
- We didn't horde things through the pandemic, YOU DID!
- Dial makes coconut water soap? You're damn right they do.
- Sometimes you have to sit in a bus and do new things.
- Hey Coke Zero and Walmart, are you listening?

Direct download: 71_I_Do_This_Now.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49am EST

Back in May, with very few sports on TV, Pox Holiday started recording and watching late-night Korean Baseball Organization (KBO) games on ESPN. After watching a few KBO games, Pox knew he had to contact the only friend he has who has been to a few of these games: past Pox & Puss Podcast guest, Brad!

Trust us, once you've watched a KBO game or two, you'll probably have a lot of questions. Questions like, "Why are there so many cheerleaders and DJ's?" or "Is that a 7' tall dinosaur named 'Swole Daddy'?" or "Does everyone there have these dances memorized?" or "Didn't that guy used to play in the United States?"

Brad takes time out of his morning to teach us about KBO customs, traditions, and beer delivered on backpacks.

Yes folks, it's just a one-off episode about Korean Baseball with two guys who know very little about baseball, and even less about the KBO, but one guy lives in South Korea.

This was recorded back in late May 2020, so some information, statistics, our opinions, etc. have changed.

Direct download: PandP_Presents_-_Korean_Baseball_with_Pox_and_Brad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST

How are you doing these days?
Did you hear that the Appalachian Trail is kinda closed?
We figured if the AT is closed, we'll talk about other stuff right now.
Plus we heard that Quarantine Podcasts are so hot right now, so we thought we'd jump on the bandwagon.

We know this is a short episode, but we have at least one more coming out later this week.

Stay safe and wash your damn hands!

Direct download: OPP10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01am EST

In this episode we talk with Dan Koeppel about his article "The Legend of Baltimore Jack" in Outside Magazine.
Dan was searching for an article to write for Outside when it was suggested that he look into a hiker who had recently passed away named Baltimore Jack.
But little did Dan know that Baltimore Jack was Adam Tarlin, a student who had written for the school newspaper with Dan while they were both attending Hampshire College.
In our discussion, Dan talks about the various avenues he took to learn more about what made Adam Tarlin become Baltimore Jack.
Koeppel interviewed Jack's friends, family members, and even Warren Doyle.
Don't worry though, it isn't all serious...there is the usual Pox & Puss bullshittery.
Be sure to check out Dan's book about the Banana, our original episodes with Baltimore Jack, #ChickenMath, and are Double Stuff Oreos too much?

Check us out....
Pox & Puss
Puss In Boots
Pox Holiday
Pox & Puss
Pox Holiday

Download us...
The Trek


Direct download: 70_-_Eavesdropping_with_Dan_Koeppel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:42pm EST

Here it is…the final chapter in our 2016 Trail Days Interviews series.

This time we have a quick discussion with Asiago about just how difficult it can be to get to Erie, PA.
We talk about how disappointing “short cuts” are sometimes.

Unfortunately, it was a short interview.

So we dug deep into the Pox & Puss hard drives and wound up coming back with something even OLDER than these 2016 interviews.
This segment was originally buried because the experience was too fresh and depressing.

At the end of this episode we finally share our recounting of the 2013 Thru-Hiker Parade Tragedy.

A big thank you to our sponsor for these past six episodes, HealthIQ.

Find all of our back episodes at

Google Play Podcasts
Some of our stuff is on SoundCloud 

Direct download: 69_-_2016_Trail_Days_Asiago_and_The_2013_Parade.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58pm EST

We continue our Trail Days 2016 interviews with Lucky.
Lucky and her boyfriend Little Santa came all the way from California to hike the Appalachian Trail.

Direct download: 68_2016_Trail_Days_For_Real.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:45pm EST

In this episode we are still hanging out in front of MoJoe's Cafe/Sun Dog Adventures, and Subway.

We get to talk with a member of Riff Raff named Duct Tape.

We also speak with Patches, an Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker and former Ridge Runner.

Be sure to visit

Direct download: 67_-_2016_Trail_Days_Duct_Tape_and_Patches.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:50pm EST

This is a warts-and-all episode.
People have been asking us just to release the 2016 Trail Days interviews as-is…so here’s part one of six (or maybe seven?)

Every year we set up in front of MoJoe’s Trailside Café we seem to interview at least one non-American. 2016 was no exception: Samsquatch is from the U.K.

His girlfriend, Jade, didn’t want to talk.
So she did what any good thru-hiker would do…she went to get some food.

As a reminder, this was the year that Puss was violently ill and suddenly got sick inside of her car on the way to Trail Days.
Through a friend, Puss met Samsquatch and his “Trail Family” the night before, so we were expecting him to come talk with us.


Another easy Visa story.

Tennis, Football and Rugby queue-ing

PEcan vs. PeCAN

Samsquatch has to be the first person to ever call Gatlinburg “the greatest place ever”.

Huge American portions!

Red Velvet Belches

Sweet Tea and Grits

Someone gets locked inside a Dollar General bathroom.

A story about Too Loud makes an appearance.

And these nerds play Dungeons & Dragons on the Appalachian Trail.

Direct download: 67_2016_Trail_Days_Samsquatch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:09pm EST

O.P.P. 9 – Poop Talk With the Sklar Brothers

We haven’t released

Poop Talk! Documentary

Sklar Brothers

Shane Mauss talks about his experience with the controversial plant medicine Kratom.

The Hiking Viking orders 5 Big Macs

Puss divulges her worst fears

Pox talks about adopting Kool-Aid


Direct download: 66_-_OPP_9_Poop_Talk_With_The_Sklar_Brothers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:43pm EST

After the first 110 miles of a northbound Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike, you should be jumping for joy that you've finally reached Franklin, NC.
So why does Pox Holiday believe that he doesn't encounter that many "happy" hikers in this amazing Trail Town?

Puss and Pox talk about the mental and physical aspects that play into your first couple of weeks on trail, and how to have fun in one of your first true Trail Towns.

Don't worry, of course there is the usual nonsense that goes along with a Pox & Puss podcast!

Chick-A-Boom by Van Morrison:

Adele – Feel My Love: 

Be sure to visit or mention PPP when you speak with a Health I.Q. representative to support the show.


Direct download: 65_-_110_Miles_of_Fun.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:19pm EST

What's this?
Pox & Puss are putting out an episode on their 5th Anniversary?
Damn Skippy we are!
Did we record parts of this episode in April and August, but are just now getting around to releasing it in October?
Damn Skippy we are!
Happy Halloween!
In this episode we talk with Scott Gauvin from
Gear Forward, through donations of gently used gear, "is about providing the next generation of stewards, adventurers, Scoutmasters and Girl Scout Leaders the resources they need to get outdoors."
We also talk about:
Cecil's Sear-Smuckers Suit
Coqui Refrigerator Magnets
City Slickers' Big Questions
Pinkys Out
Bing Bong
The dangerous game of "Is it a Thru-Hiker or is it a Homeless Person?"
Pox's Crotch Doctor Visit
Brass Beavers
And much much more on an all new Pox & Puss Podcast.

Find us... The Pox & Puss Podcast Archives
Twitter: @PoxAndPuss, @ATPussInBoots @PoxHoliday
Instagram: @PoxAndPuss, @PussInBootsAT, @PoxHoliday
Facebook: Pox & Puss, Pox Holiday

Additional Audio:
Alice's Restaurant
City Slickers Soundtrack
Smuckers Commercial
Todd Glass sings "Bing Bong"

Direct download: 64_-_Gear_Forward.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32am EST

We're back and stuff gets real!
Booby Traps!
Answering the door while wearing no pants!

@PoxAndPuss on Twitter and Instatram
Our back catalog can be found here

Direct download: 63_-_On_Top_Of_Old_Smokey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

62 - Duct Tape the National Parks

We thought this episode had been lost, but now it's found.

This episode was recorded in September 2016...and then Pox's hard drive crashed.

After hard work and some money, it was saved.

Here we talk about Karl Metzger's record breaking Appalachian Trail FKT, ponies, a man named Duct Tape, and we work in something about the National Park System.

Please forgive all incorrect information....there's a lot of it.

Direct download: 62_-_Duct_Tape_The_National_Parks.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33pm EST

61 - Shane Mauss Breaks Both of His Heels

In 2014 Shane Mauss, a stand-up comedian, went for a hike in in Sedona, the end of that hike, Shane had two broken heels.

Shane has told this story on other podcasts, but we were the first to talk with him since he revisited the site of his "accident".

Shane dubs this the “correction episode” after his recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Shane admits that he might’ve accidentally embellished a bit about one part of the story he told on JRE.

Shane is towards the beginning of a 75 (possibly 80) City Comedy Tour called “A Good Trip”, a "an hour and a half show that is part stand-up, part funny stories of experiences, and part Ted Talk".

His tour is sponsored by the MAPS organization.

Places to find Shane Mauss:
My Big Break
Here We Are Podcast

Places to find Pox & Puss:
Appalachian Trials
RSS Feed

Direct download: 61_-_Shane_Mauss.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47pm EST

60 - Trail Days 2016

Join us for an exhilarating recap of Trail Days 2016 on "The Pox & Puss Podcast." In this episode, hosts Pox and Puss In Boots take you on a thrilling journey through the Appalachian Trail's most vibrant gathering. From sifting through over 10 hours of exclusive footage to uncovering the hidden gems of Trail Days, we leave no stone unturned.

Discover the reasons behind Puss In Boots' unexpected absence from the 3rd Annual Prom and delve into the mesmerizing world of Appalachian Trail Magic. Get ready to be immersed in captivating discussions about the awe-inspiring fireworks display that lit up the night sky, creating unforgettable memories for all.

Stay connected with us on social media to catch up on the latest updates, behind-the-scenes stories, and exclusive content. Follow us on Twitter @PoxAndPuss, Instagram @PoxAndPuss, and Snapchat @PoxAndPuss.

Tune in to "The Pox & Puss Podcast" and experience the Appalachian Trail like never before as we relive the excitement of Trail Days 2016, celebrating the incredible spirit of the trail community.

"Have you seen the picture yet?"

Direct download: 60_-_Trail_Days_2016.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05am EST

Our annual pre-prom pre-Trail Days episode.

Come see us at MoJoe's Cafe on Saturday, May 14, 2016

Smartwool will be with us handing out socks.

The 3rd Annual Thru-Hiker Prom will be held Saturday downtown at The Damascus Old Mill from 4pm until 10pm

Direct download: 59_-_Pre_Prom_2016.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

58 - The Hiking Viking and Brad from

Innovation Beer (Same place where I took Mac N Cheese) in Sylva, NC
Dog Licki Minaj
Brad’s Walk
The real hiking Viking
Crater lake
Hiked Colorado trail with zach davis
Mahousic notch
Arm instagram
Fist nobo calendar triple speed stick
Nanatolie still works
Mach Jesus
Semper Fi Fund
Raider Project
Nick Drake Black Eyed Dog
Ladyfriend and superstitions
Thai people hate owls (owl Christmas stocking)
Do MREs have desserts in them
Maple Muffin top
“A rock or something”

Direct download: The_Hiking_Viking_and_Brad_from_BradsWalk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:04am EST

We're back!
Pox gets into a car accident....kind of.
Puss has some ideas about snow...and sings about it.
Jnco Jeans are making a comeback.
We continue our book-talk.
We teach you how to say N-O-C...not "knock".
Barf burns a book.

Find us on Soundcloud, Stitcher, iTunes, and our RSS feed.

Direct download: 57_-_Everythings_Coming_Up_Milhouse.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:18am EST

56 - Anish & Carrot Quinn

When Anish isn’t out breaking Fastest Known Time records, she is a sleepy penguin.

Carrot Quinn’s Book:

Sweet Caroline…

Tell Todd Glass that you heard about him on the @PoxAndPuss podcast!

Direct download: Episode_56_-_Anish_and_Carrot.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:47pm EST

Back in 2013 Heather "Anish" Anderson set a new Unsupported Fastest Known Time (UFKT) for thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.
Pox was fortunate enough to interview her a few days after she finished for "Episode 25 - Anish and The Badger".
After an article was published about her in Backpacker Magazine, Anish has since said she would no longer do interviews about the subject.

Fast Forward to September 24, 2015...she did it again.
Anish set a new UFKT for the Appalachian Trail: 54 days, 7 hours, 54 minutes.
She didn't accept a single ride into town.
She walked to her resupplies.

She is the dictionary definition of BadAss.

In honor of this amazing feat of endurance, strength, and spirit, we have decided to re-release just the interview portion of episode 25.


Direct download: Just_Anish.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:08pm EST

54 - Frozen Mac N Cheese

We talk with our good friend and 2015 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker, Frozen Mac N Cheese.

Part of this interview was recorded back in April when Frozen Mac had just reached the Nantahala Outdoor Center, just two weeks into her hike.

The other part was recorded a few weeks after she finished her hike.

Pox has poison ivy.

Puss has pants problems.

And boy oh boy, we ALL get a surprise when Frozen Mac is walking on the streets of NYC.


Direct download: Frozen_Mac.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37pm EST

53 - Ryan Singer & The Paranormal Part 1

This week we talk about the spooky-scary things that can happen in the woods.

Pox talks with Ryan Singer, a stand-up comedian who hosts a podcast about the Paranormal.

Some of these things can give you the Heebie Jeebies!

Also, it has been a very busy few weeks along the Appalachian Trail:

A fire rips thru historic Harper's Ferry.

Scott Jurek set a new speed record and makes some news on top of Katahdin.

And the search for missing hiker Inchworm enters its second year

The Hale Bop Comet Cult makes an appearance.

It turns out Pox and his Wife's "song" is a scene from The Simpsons.


Direct download: 53_-_Paranormal_Ryan_Singer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04pm EST

52 - Jessica Watkins and Kismet

Jessica Watkins is an NYC comedian who walked across the United States last year.

We talk about kismet.

Puss recounts her recent trip on the Appalachian Trail.

Pox picks up a lot of friends on Facebook.

"where are you sleeping tonight"?

Direct download: 52_-_Kismet.mp3
Category:outdoor -- posted at: 9:58pm EST

51 - Trail Days 2015

Welcome to our third annual Trail Days show!

If you’ve heard our past Trail Days episodes, you know this is not our typical show.
Every year we set up our 10x10 tent in front of MoJoe’s Trail Side Café so we can meet and interview thru-hikers.
For some reason this year the crowds on the North side of town were a little bit thin.
Usually you can hear people all around us, talking, shouting, playing some weird instrument.
We’re always able to grab a few people from the crowd so we can talk with them.
This year…not so much.
Luckily we had two people lined up to talk with us; our Australian friend “Superfeet” and long-time P&P listener “Too Loud”.

Here are a few things we talk about in this episode:
Venomous vs. Poisonous

Paul Hogan throws a shrimp on the barbie

 Jermaine from Outback

A Trail Angel named Courtesy stops by to say hello

Another Episode where Pox’s Heart Grew Three Sizes!

Australians Love Lamb

Bears in the Smokies decimate some section hiker backpacks

Bay Pride!

“Too Loud” runs into a turkey.

Puss tells us about her “5 Hour Energy” routine.

Obviously I have barbecue and food on my mind in this episode….sorry.

You’ll hear us talk with people off mic as they come up to say hello or buy a t-shirt.

Please visit  AppTrials, sign up for the Thru-Hiker register, and when you’ve completed the trail, send Zach Good Badger Davis your summit photo so we can share it  with the world.

Leave a 5-Star Review on iTunes & Stitcher.

Direct download: Trail_Days_2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:54pm EST

50 - This Little Piggy

After 2.5 years we've finally put out our 50th episode.

In this show we discuss our interactions with The Fuzz.

Puss tells an amazing story about the time someone was arrested at a hostel.

Pox talks about how inaccurate your memory can be.

We open a box from our favorite Australian (You'll hear more from her when we release the #TrailDays episode).

We also open a box from our first ever sponsor: Cairn Box.
Remember the Promo Code: POXANDPUSS

Make sure you visit the Thru-Hiker Registry and sign up.

Please call 828-394-4526 and leave a message with your FAVORITE Trail Days memories

Direct download: Episode_50.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:44pm EST

Pre-Prom Mini-Episode

Hey folks!
Long time no see.
This short episode will:

-         - Prove to you that we are still alive.

-         - Fill you in on our sickness stories.

-         - Convince you to buy us a taxidermied squirrel.

-         - But most importantly…Tell You About The 2nd ANNUAL THRU-HIKER PROM!

Please check out the main Prom Info page on Appalachian Trials.
Also, please help us throw an amazing PROM by purchasing something from our Amazon Wish List.

Stay tuned because next week we'll have a full length episode.
We've already recorded it.
It's good.
Trust us.

We’ll see you at Trail Days!

Direct download: prom_mini.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:56pm EST

49 - Wild: Starring Johnny Cash's Wife

We’re finally going to talk about “Wild”.
We waited to hear back from Reese and “her people” to see if she was going to do an interview with us.
She’s not.

This this is your warning: SPOILER ALERT!

If you haven’t read/watched Wild, you might want to skip this episode until you do.
Please understand that there’s a good chance we’re getting facts wrong about Wild, so we’re probably not really “spoiling” anything.
Also, please understand that we will be talking about “SENSITIVE SUBJECT MATTER” and as it relates to Wild.
You probably know what we’re talking about.

We also take phone calls, read out some iTunes reviews, and Laurie Potteiger gets a shout out.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to enjoy some “Non-Linear Banter…vaguely related to the Appalachian Trail”.

Direct download: Episode_49_Wild_Starring_Johnny_Cashs_Wife.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:27pm EST

48 - Flow Easy and Stuff

Since Flow Easy stuck around Natty Greene’s after mooching free beer from the @NCBeerGuys episode, we asked him to sit down and record with us.

Flow tells us about his most pleasant privy experience.

Pox and Flow went on a roadtrip after Trail Days in 2001.

Puss tells us about the privy habits of Fruit Bats. #CubePoop

Pox reads a page or two from his 1998 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike journal.

Pox realizes that reading from his journal was a bad idea.

“Your Move…”


Intro to Facebook” - Garth Brooks  

“Milwaukee” – The Both

“Hippie Smell” – Ween

“Truckers Hitch” – Fliji

Direct download: 48_-_Flow_Easy_and_Stuff.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:40pm EST

47 - The NC Beer Guys

Coming to you LIVE from Nanty Greene's in downtown Raleigh, NC!
We sat down with the NC Beer Guys to discuss beers you will find along the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina.

Beers we drank:

Asheville Brewing: Shiva
Oskar Blues: Mama's Little Yella Pils
Nantahala Brewing: Noon Day IPA

Direct download: 47_-_NC_Beer_Guys.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EST

46 - The First Timers Club

Boy oh boy!
We're talking about our first times on this episode.
No...not THOSE first times.
Trust us...we were waaaaaaaaay past our "firsts" by the time we got to our Thru-Hikes.
We're talking about some of the "firsts" you might not think of:
- First time weather changed your plans
- First time you camped by yourself
- First time you called home
- First half gallon of ice cream
- And many more
We also talk about how AWESOME our listeners are!
You tip!
You always say thank you to people who run stores, restaurants, hostels, motels, and more.....right?
Of course you do!
Check us out on Appalachian Trials.
Write a 5-Star Review on itunes or Stitcher...go ahead and subscribe to our podcast while you're there.
Big thanks to Mr. Rogers and Night Court!

Direct download: Episode_46.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50am EST

45 - Rivers and Stuff

Rivers, am I right guys?

We've all gotta cross them sometime in our life, but knowing when and HOW to cross them can be difficult.
If you're tuning in to our podcast hoping you can find some're in the wrong place, pal.

This episode we talk about things that can go wrong when you're around water in the backcountry.

We even talk with someone who was almost swept away by a river while she was training for her 2015 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike.

Puss In Boots returns to the co-host chair after a few weeks away from the microphone.

Pox gets a puppy.

An old friend of ours volunteers to eat one of the most vile things you can buy in South Korea: The KFC Double Down Burger!

Direct download: 45_-Rivers_and_Stuff.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01am EST

44 - Disco from "The Trail Show" [Part 2]

Part 2 of Pox Holiday’s talk with Disco from The Trail Show Podcast

The Nantahala Outdoor Center: Outfitter’s Store

Otto NC,_North_Carolina

Wayah bald tower

Wesser bald tower (Heavy Breathing Trigger Warning)

Eric Rudolph – I was a little off on my timeline

Trinidad CO,_Colorado

Legal Aspects of Transsexualism in the U.S.

Rules of NC Alcohol Limits in Beer (15% limit…not “unlimited”)

Colorado 3.2 Beer

Duck Rabbit Milk Stout -

Colorado Nose Gun

I couldn’t find a picture of Honey Boo Boo Running from T-Rex

Marriages with T-Rex Interruptions

The Trail Show

Pox & Puss on Appalachian Trials

Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker Registry




Direct download: 44_-_disco_pt2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:36am EST

44 - Disco from "The Trail Show": Part 1

Worlds Collide!

Podcast Nerds Unite!

Disco from The Trail Show joins Pox in the basement of the Nantahala Outdoor Center's Outfitter Store to talk about:




The Chunky Gal Trail


Direct download: 44_-_Disco_Pt1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm EST

43 - Lightning

What should you do when you're hiking and a lightning storm pops up?

Don't ask us!

On this episode of the Pox & Puss Podcast we discuss our varied lightning stories.

Pox tells a story about one of the most famous lightning strikes in outdoor recreation history.

Puss tells us her Appalachian Trail "origin story".

Pox drinks something horrible.

We talked about The Fappening of 2014

We congratulate This Week's Thru-Hikers who've finished The Trail.

Call us with your backcountry tech questions: 828-394-4526

Check out our page on Appalachian Trials

Visit the Thru-Hiker Registry

We'll see you in two weeks!

Direct download: Episode_43.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm EST

We were so lucky to have Gordon Biggerstaff on our show this week!

Pox caught 2014 Northbound Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker Gordon right before he left for his home in Scotland.

We sat down at the Friends of the Smokies offices in Severirville, TN.

Gordan was working the night shift when he listened to Bill Bryson's "A Walk In The Woods", and from there the inspiration began.

There's a discussion of bears, ice cream, how surprisingly cold Georgia can be sometimes, lazy Rattlesnakes, and Nation Building.

Gordon was also raising money for two separate charities as he hiked, one in the US and one in the UK


We also congratulate This week's Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers!


Direct download: Episode_42.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

Here it is!

Our conversation with Travel Channel Host, Stand Up Comedian, Author, and Podcaster: Bert Kreischer!

Some of you might also recognize Bert from his appearances on podcasts such as: “The Joe Rogan Experience”, “The Duncan Trussell Family Hour”, and “Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend”.

Maybe you know Bert as The Machine, but in this podcast we have a wonderful opportunity to discuss the amazing locations visits and the experiences Bert has hosting his showTrip Flip.

We also get some behind the scenes info about the show:
- He tells us about one of his most favorite mornings…ever!
- We discuss his most rewarding outdoor experience.
- And Yellow Snow

Oh! And if you don’t recognize that female voice, it is My Wife.
Don’t worry, Puss will be back next episode!

Bert tells us about the time he hiked the Appalachian Trail in Virginia with brand new boots.
We have confirmation.

Pox manages to work in a plug for Thru Hiker Prom and spill beer on his phone.
Bert tells us about some words of wisdom Patrice O’Neal gave him years ago.
Mr. Microphone makes an appearance.
We discuss “Dream Guests” we’d like to have on our respective podcasts.
Cat Calling? Who Cat Calls anymore?
The workout Bert talks about can be found here.

We’ll see y’all in two weeks.
Our next show will be a kind of “Potpouri” category on Jeopardy.

Call and leave a message with your Appalachian Trail, Adventure Travel, or Bert Kreischer stories at 828-394-4526

And if Heaven is real...Greg Kinnear better be there waiting for us.

Direct download: Episode_41_-_Bert.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

Have you ever caught yourself doing the 'ol "sniff check" to see if that's you stinking up the place?

If you're a hiker, chances IS you.
But don't worry, this week we tell you some of our stinkiest stories, along with some of your stories of being Funkdafied!
We take some phone calls...and it's the return of the #DivaCup!Our big guest announcement is made at the end of this episdoe!
Our next show is going to be the backcountry equivalent of the Potpouri category in Jeopardy, so leave us a message with your favorite trail stories at 828-394-4526 !

Music from SoundCloud and YouTube

Direct download: 40.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

39 - Zachsquatch & The Stuff In Your Pack

This week Pox & Puss discuss: The stuff in your pack
Have you ever carried a piece of gear that was teetering on the edge of "unusable"?
Have you carried something in your pack that served no practical purpose? Did it have sentimental value?
Have you ever carried something that you didn't know was in your pack? A rock....or a canned ham?

We have a conversation with 2014 Northbounder, Zachsquatch. He tells us about an interesting time he had on trail with a sword-wielding Russian, he describes the average day in the life of an iPhone on the Appalachian Trail, and he has a close encounter with a horse.

ATTENTION! Thru-Hikers past and present!
Be sure to visit the Thru-Hiker Registry at
This makes it much easier to keep in touch with your Trail Friends once you've re-entered "The Real World" and you start using your "Real Names".

OK...put on your Carolina Panthers "Basketball Jersey", break out your pie server, and get ready for Episode #39 - "Zachsquatch & The Stuff In Your Pack" !!!

Next Episode:
We've received a few voicemails about let's talk about your Snake Stories!
Please leave us a voicemail by calling 828-394-4526
Thank you so much for all of your calls, they really help the show!

Direct download: Episode_39.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29pm EST

38 - You Up?

A simple joke on TV took Pox down a rabbit hole of Appalachian Trail information websites.

Wether you're looking for gear reviews, want to read some trail journals, or you need to see how one turns a Coca-Cola can into an alcohol stove, there is almost too much information out there!

We discuss the sites (or books in Pox's case) we used before setting out on our Thru-Hikes.

Zach Davis, the author of Appalachian Trials, joins us to talk about his site:

We also sift through the online B.S. to bring you some interesting Appalachian Trail stories from around the inter-webs.

Finally, we listen to some of your voicemails...and Pox takes some friendly criticisim.

Direct download: Episode_38.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:25am EST

37 - Ice Cold Returns

Finally back from vacation!
Ice Cold is here to teach us all how NOT to behave in a hostel.
Pox finally tells the story of how he was kicked out of North Adams.
Puss washes her hair in the sink of every hut in the Whites.
And we set a record for how long we can NOT talk about the Appalachian Trail on an Appalachian Trail podcast.

Do you like to watch?
We hope you do.

Direct download: 37_-_Ice_Cold_Returns.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm EST

36 - Just...Drunk...Enough...

You might have gone to Trail Days...but we have a few questions for you:

Did you see the lady from the Traveling Wilbury's?
Were you licked by that guy with the mohawk?
Did you eat roadkill deer meat?
Did you see that woman in mom-jeans almost break her ankle while dancing to "Happy"?
Did "Rainbow Not-So-Bright" yell at you too?
Do you currently have a bear claw in a pouch around your neck?
Are you one of the two guys wearing bowties who are shorter than Pox?
Did someone ask you "Where are you sleeping tonight"? More than once?

If'll probably want to check out this episode.

Direct download: Episode_37.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29am EST

35 - Trail Days 2014

Our second annual Trail Days podcast is here!
Set up in front of MoJoe's Coffeehouse, we interview six thru-hikers about their experiences along the Appalachian Trail so far.
You'll hear from some names you might recognize...and some new friends.

Direct download: 35_-_Trail_Days_2014_clean.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:59pm EST

34 - Downtown Georgia Brown

What do you do in the woods that you would never catch yourself doing in the "real world"?
Now that's what I call a "Bounce Box"! Oh!
Pox talks about "Ghost Get-ups".
Puss could make a Tarzan outfit out of her couch...if she had to.

Direct download: Episode_34.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:45am EST

33 - Tom Rhodes

This week Pox interviews world traveling comedian, Tom Rhodes.
The interview took place at the Punchline Comedy Club in Atlanta.
We discuss Tom's trip to Machu Picchu in Peru, his best travel advice, and lots more.
While this might not be our normal type of episode, we're sure you're all going to love it!

Direct download: 33_-_Tom_Rhodes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EST

32 - Let's Dance!

Our big Appalachian Trail Days Festival announcements are here!
Where will you be able to find us? You'll have to listen!
We listen to a's about booze.
We recorded this episode via FaceTime, and Puss wanted me to tell you that she was drunk. I was at work. On my lunch break.
Let's get ready to party folks!!!

Direct download: Episode_32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm EST

LOL finished her last section of the Appalachian Trail and is back to tell us about it. 
Tick Talk!
Somebody sprains two of their ankles...but it's ok.
Someone asks for a section hike recommendation, so we did what we could to totally not answer the question.

Direct download: 31_LOL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:44am EST

Here it is!
Our Thirtieth Episode!
The first REAL episode of 2014!
We talk TICKS!
Are you Allergic to beef? You probably to your doctor.
Journey and his neighborhood pals put on a concert for all of us!
We listen to your voicemails...and so far these are our favorite calls of 2014!
Whatever you do...keep an eye on Justin's fingers!
Oh...yeah...did we mention this is an Appalachian Trail "podcast"?

Direct download: 30.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52am EST

Here it is!
Our Thirtieth Episode!
The first REAL episode of 2014!
We talk TICKS!
Are you allergic to beef?
Journey and his neighborhood pals put on a concert for us!
We listen to your far, these are our favorites of 2014.
Whatever you do...keep an eye on Justin's fingers!
Oh...yeah...did we mention this is an Appalachian Trail podcast?

Category: -- posted at: 2:25am EST

Appalachian Trail New Years Resolutions from listeners.
Who wants to do some trail maintenance with us in 2014?
Puss talks crop walk attire.
Pox had a one-lunged French roommate.
We lack discipline and timing.
Ke$ha makes an appearance...again.
Shout out to Frank Grimes!

Direct download: episode_29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:17pm EST

27 - Hey Kids! Remember the Government Shutdown?

Let's take a trip back in time...
everyone had just forgotten about Syria...
America was still reeling from the cultural impact of "Sharknado"...and we were all reminded of the word: "Furlough".
"I don't own a TV"
Chug your beverage, "Drinkage"!!!
Spoiler Alert! We give away the ending of "A Beautiful Life"
Scraps is a "special boy"
Hallie Berry? Your Auntie Clariece?
...and Puss takes "a facefull of snot for the honest opinion of a child."

Direct download: Episode_27a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45am EST

We answer emails about winter weather backpacking, we de-bunk an online photo, Puss reenacts a scene from "Ghost", Pox sees the Aurora Borealis, something happens to Puss' tent, Pox gets a new shirt, and much much more!
Also look for us Nov. 13th on the "2 Quarts Podcast". You can find it on iTunes.

Direct download: ep_28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

Recorded live at the Outdoor 76 Outfitter in Franklin, NC with owners, Rob & Cory.
We discuss some of the most common issues dealt with during the first 110 miles of an Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike (hint: it's your feet!).
Somebody's making wedding plans.
Somebody forgets the name of their "favorite" restaurant in Franklin.
Somebody discovers that it's hard to hide Dick Cheese
And somebody is a beer connoisseur.

Direct download: episode_26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34pm EST

Super short episode this week!
What can we say...sometimes life gets in the way and you have to produce a short episode.
A couple of animal stories from Anish & Hawkeye.
A quick story about watermelon.
We'll be back in two weeks with a full-length episode.
Keep calling 828-394-4526 with your Appalachian Trail stories....especially all you Southbounders!

Direct download: 0PP_8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm EST

This week we discuss readjusting to post-Appalachian Trail life with Thru-Hiker and author of Appalachian Trials, Zach Davis. Pox has a conversation with Anish who is the current record holder of the fastest self-supported thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail. We also drink "$20 worth of liquor, baby"!!!

Direct download: Episode_25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EST

Happy Labor Day Weekend!
This week we compiled some of our favorite moments from the first 6 episodes of our podcast.
Dolly Parton floats on a cloud, Ice Cold sleeps in a van, Prof. drinks a beer, Puss makes a cup of tea, Pox eats a lot of food, Puss produces a fine tent spray, and more.
Please share this episode with your friends, find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter: @PoxAndPuss @PoxHoliday @ATPussInBoots, follow us on Instagram: @PoxAndPuss, while you're at it please give us a 5-Star review on iTunes!
Thanks and see you in two weeks!

Direct download: best_of_vol_1_eps_1-6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

Welcome to a special double episode of the Pox & Puss Podcast! It isn't any longer than the average P&P show...just a little'll see why.
Part 1: We're in the kitchen to cook your recommended trail meals! Pox gets in the sauce. Puss tells us about her favorite info-mercial.
Part 2: Pox interviews Walkure, leader of the 2013 #Pinkblazing movement! We learn that "Consent is Sexy" and how to have "Sustainable Fun"!!!

Direct download: episode_24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST

This week we discuss various animal stories from the Appalachian Trail and beyond! A mouse nibbles! A mouse runs! A mouse dies! A bear nibbles! A bare ass! A bear runs! Puss watches her family take on a herd of buffalo! Pox is attacked by ZAP from American Gladiators! You can't sit here! A theme song is suggested! Phone calls! Phone calls! Phone calls!

Direct download: Episode_23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

Prepare to be inspired! This week we speak with Thru-Hiker Hawkeye Johnson. Not only has he hiked the Appalachian Trail, but he has also hiked the Pacific Crest Trail AND the Continental Divide Trail...oh, and did we mention he has done all three of those trails TWICE? We caught Hawkeye at home in Telluride, CO while he was taking a break from hiking the Colorado Trail. He has hiked the C.T. before...but this time it is completely different. He will be sharing this adventure with some of his friends from the Telluride Adaptive Sports Program. Get ready to enjoy over 17,000 miles of wisdom, stories, and laughs!

Direct download: Episode_22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:49am EST

This week we sit down to discuss Naked Hiking Day memories, soap smells, your awesome ice cream ideas are revealed, someone straps on the nitro, and Deliverance, Deliverance, Deliverance!!!

Direct download: episode_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:16pm EST

O.P.P. = Other Pox & Puss

On this mini episode we discuss T.V. shows! We read your 5-Star reviews! Someone "raps"....again. Pox doesn't go down on something. We celebrate a birthday! And we're given a very quick tour of Puss' living room.

Direct download: OPP7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EST

Find out the new definition of Pink Blazing! We actually talk about gear...well, how to shop for it at least. We take a call from Mr. T, some guy wears CROCS, Pox bitches about traffic, and Puss "raps"

Direct download: episode_20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

In this week's episode Pox spills a Bloody Mary into the laptop, Puss predicts a teen pregnancy, Pox eats fancy-pants barbecue, someone scroggs-up the Hubba-Hubba, and Puss is asked "Was that you or me?"  

Of course, somewhere in there we discuss the Appalachian Trail and the Thru-Hikers who hike it. Ahhhh!

Direct download: episode_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

Set up in the MoJoe's Coffeehouse parking lot in Damascus, VA we sit down with 5 different Thru-Hikers to discuss their experiences on the Appalachian Trail. First up is Chipmunk, the 14 year-old attempting to become the youngest solo thru-hiker. Then we speak with Big Yankee, a 2013 Northbounder about his interesting experience in Gatlinburg, TN. Pox reunites with fellow 1998 thru-hiker Little Mac, he tells us about what it was like to climb Katahdin with Earl Schaffer. 2013 NOBO "Hey Whitey"and his trusty pooch Moose sit down with us to talk about the magical things that can happen to you out on the trail. We finish with a quick goofy interview with "Giggle Fitz" right before we all line up to walk in the Hiker Parade through town.

Direct download: Trail_Days_-_2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Fudge! Trail Days! Too Close! James Taylor! Charlie Sheen's 8-Ball tattoos! T-Shirts! Southbounders! Section Hikers! Landscapin'! Michigan! Phil Collins! Pimps Up, Ho's Down! Phone Calls! Diva Cup Reprse!

Direct download: episode_17_-_swank.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EST

Our conversation with 9-time Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker Baltimore Jack continues. We take a phone call, discuss "Assholic Behavior", and the best way to pack-out 16 pounds of lasagna.

Direct download: episode_16_-_jack_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

16, Part 1 - Baltimore Jack Consumes An Entire Chicken

Baltimore Jack Tarlin sits down to speak with us in the historic Mountain Crossings outfitter at Neels Gap along the Appalachian Trail. Jack tells us about his life on the Trail since his first attempt at a Thru-Hike in 1995...and his 9 completed thru-hikes since then. Pox & Puss regale Jack with stories about the first times they met him. We also discuss the Monsoon of 2003, Ghostbusters, Olive Oyl, and...of course...The Doyle Hotel.

Direct download: episode_16_-_jack.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST

15 - Magic Eyes vs. Whiskey Slaps

The White Mountains: Explained, Pox cleans up the banks of the mighty Nolichucky one Doritos bag at a time, "the girl with the red balloon" haunts our dreams, the computer shuts down 3 times, we run out of hard drive space, and 20 minutes of the best shit we have ever done vanishes in one of the computer meltdowns. Meh.         Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker Podcast

Direct download: episode_15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:11pm EST

Reunited and it feels so good!

A discussion of the great Norovirus Outbreak of 2013...Blatimore Jack's nationwide influence...Bojangles...Scotty McCreery: Hometown Hero...and way more singing that you'd expect from either of us!

Direct download: episode_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm EST

2013 Thru-Hiker Blimey (aka: Mr. Bordeaux) joins Pox for a discussion of trail magic, Call Me Maybe, pick-up trucks, and Rick James vs. Great Britain.

Direct download: episode_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10am EST

Direct download: Episode_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker Phone Calls, Food, Hannah Montana Advice, Playing Fetch w/ a Bee, and lots more on this Part two and Part 3 spectacular....ok, so it isn't spectacular. But it IS free.

Direct download: Ep_11_Pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:39pm EST

Hitchhiking YOU SHOULD NEVER DO IT! But here are some examples of stuff that happened to us when we did on our Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikes.

Direct download: Ep_11_Pt_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EST

Wilson, Trail Casino, Thru-Hiker Dance Party (reprise), MX Missles, Tweezer, Fried Chicken Fairy, Richard Simmons Aerobic Shoes, Port Clinton (reprise),

Direct download: episode_10_part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27pm EST

Should you hike the approach trail? Pox is a wiggly wiggly worm! 100 people buy a backpack! And a dog will bite you if you do that!

Direct download: episode_10_part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:28am EST

Trail Names: Misleading, Bad, & Some Advice. Snakes on a Trail! Naming your gear, driving post-snow, plus some other stuff.

Direct download: episode_09b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

9 - Chased by Dinosaurs

Return of the DivaCup! A dog has crazy eyes! Pox talks about a sensitive subject...and Puss backs him up!

Direct download: episode_09.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

Pre-Thru-Hike Jitters! Puss gets a VHS tape from her neighbor. Pox cuts the summer sausage, so to speak. Somehow we talk about discussing the people who bitch about gear. Pox can quit drinking whenever he wants just doesn't seem like he wants to. One more thing, get off your high horse, you buncha lousy Thru-Hikers!

Direct download: episode_08.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:39pm EST

How to "Fluff Your Nuts"! You can do anything! Trail Days! Nasty Feet! Caboose Hips! and much much more on the Appalachian Trail!

Direct download: episode_07_B.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:05pm EST

Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers; The Professor (GA2ME 95, 98, 13?) & Peacepipe (GA2ME 98) come to visit. We talk about Pee Bottles, Doin' it: Tent vs. Hotel, what happens whenever Puss' feet get cold & wet, and good times with a guy named Baltimore Jack.

Direct download: episode_07A.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:52pm EST

On this week's OPP we discuss our doppelgangers, @failed_tattooz, Puss eats in a Privy, & Pox feels really old.

Direct download: opp_06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:21pm EST

Puss gets bummed by some foreigners! The big question...Barbecue: to eat, or to do? Speaking Spanish to Koreans. The Waitresses vs. Paul McCartney. Pox eats 100g of fat in one sitting & loses 50lbs. And your punkass needs to pick up the phone!

Direct download: episode_06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49pm EST


Direct download: opp_5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm EST

Direct download: episode_05.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm EST


Direct download: opp_04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37pm EST

It's LADIES NIGHT here on the POX & PUSS PODCAST! We really don't know what to say about this episode...just make sure you listen all the way to the END!

Direct download: episode_04mp3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:06pm EST

This week we discuss Thru-Hiker dance parties, how we got back home from the trail, and Pox talks WAY TOO MUCH....but what's new?

Direct download: OPP_03.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:18pm EST


We discuss weather, Rene Zellweger, and we find out about "the bullshit". Oh, and someone farts.

Direct download: episode_03.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:24pm EST

Another mini-podcast in our "getting to know us" series. This time we discuss everything from start dates to Sepia Tone Titties. Appalachian Trail Thru Hiker

Direct download: OPP_02a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10pm EST

O.P.P. #1

The first in our series of "getting to know us" short podcasts.

Direct download: OPP_01a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

2004 NoBo ICE COLD joins us to talk about Crazy People on the Trail, a very drunk James Brown, and a van you probably don't want to sleep in. We also discuss Pox's favorite hip-hop body spray.

Direct download: episode_2a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:18pm EST

on our first episode we discuss Trail Magic with 1998 Appalachian Trail Thru Hiker Flow Easy. we also discuss why turning 21 in Damascus, VA is ideal and....Tyler Perry presents: Alanis Morissette

Direct download: episode_1amp3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EST