THE POX and PUSS PODCAST : An Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker Experience

Happy Labor Day Weekend!
This week we compiled some of our favorite moments from the first 6 episodes of our podcast.
Dolly Parton floats on a cloud, Ice Cold sleeps in a van, Prof. drinks a beer, Puss makes a cup of tea, Pox eats a lot of food, Puss produces a fine tent spray, and more.
Please share this episode with your friends, find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter: @PoxAndPuss @PoxHoliday @ATPussInBoots, follow us on Instagram: @PoxAndPuss, while you're at it please give us a 5-Star review on iTunes!
Thanks and see you in two weeks!

Direct download: best_of_vol_1_eps_1-6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm EDT

Welcome to a special double episode of the Pox & Puss Podcast! It isn't any longer than the average P&P show...just a little'll see why.
Part 1: We're in the kitchen to cook your recommended trail meals! Pox gets in the sauce. Puss tells us about her favorite info-mercial.
Part 2: Pox interviews Walkure, leader of the 2013 #Pinkblazing movement! We learn that "Consent is Sexy" and how to have "Sustainable Fun"!!!

Direct download: episode_24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EDT

This week we discuss various animal stories from the Appalachian Trail and beyond! A mouse nibbles! A mouse runs! A mouse dies! A bear nibbles! A bare ass! A bear runs! Puss watches her family take on a herd of buffalo! Pox is attacked by ZAP from American Gladiators! You can't sit here! A theme song is suggested! Phone calls! Phone calls! Phone calls!

Direct download: Episode_23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EDT